Rabu, 22 Februari 2012


For the web developers who often work on windows operating system environment, will remember with PHPTriad. At the time the application bundle PHPTriad apache, mysql and PHP into one entity in the installer file. Installation is very easy to create a working web developer is not difficult to install apache and mysql from scratch. Unfortunately this phptriad project that was once the open source project discontinued and changed into a commercial project.
PHPTriad basically just bundles web applications developer who has been frequently used in the Linux operating system environment. LAMP who have for years been a mainstay for web developers in the Linux operating system was also implemented in the Windows operating system. This means that the market for Apache, Mysql and PHP already started to spread to an operating system other than linux.
That opportunity must not be wasted by other developers. Bundle 3 applications (apache, mysql and PHP) from scattered after PHPTriad appear. Been recorded and some that I know of, among others FoxServ, WinLamp and Xampp.
Of the three alternatives Winlamp, FoxServ and Xampp I have tried the last two, but personally I am more interested to talk about Xampp. As PHPTriad, Xampp follow the installation and as owned by PHPTriad. As of this writing Xampp has reached version 1.4.12 Some of the features of the Xampp is like the one below:
Apache 2.0.53MySQL 4.1.10PHP 5.0.3 + PEAR + PHP 3.4.10eAccelerator 0.9.2aPHP-Switch win32 1.0 (please use the "PHP-switch.bat")XAMPP Control Version 1.0 from www.nat32.comXAMPP Security 1.0SQLite 2.8.15OpenSSL 0.9.7ePHPMyAdmin 2.6.1ADODB 4.60Mercury Mail Transport System for Win32 and NetWare Systems v4.01a0.9.4e FileZilla FTP ServerWebalizer 2.01-10Zend Optimizer 2.5.7Minimum requirements needed to run the computer are as follows:
64 MB RAM (recommended)115 MB free Fixed DiskWindows 98, ME, XP HomeWindows NT, 2000, XP Professional (Recommended)Some of the addons that are available are:
Perl 5.8.6mod_perl 1.999.22Experimental Python 2.3.3mod_python 3.1.3Tomcat 5.0.28mod_jk2/2.0.4Cocoon features like the flavor-it can replace the functionality of LAMP Xampp on Windows operating systems. Even Xampp web server can also be used as a secure and reliable on Windows operating systems.

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