Microsoft has just confirmed that the tools of Microsoft Office will be included in the WOA(Windows for ARM), In addition, this application will come with enhancements that make itfit well on a touchscreen device, as well as in those who use the keyboard and mouse for navigation and input.
The latest Office application, named "Office 15", was created specifically for the touch screen and minimized power, and can open the old document file types ..
Office 15 applications represent just some software that will be made available forWindows on ARM, Office 15 will offer a platform Metro Style will be available for downloadvia Windows Store.
WOA supports all the latest Style Metro applications, including applications from Microsoftfor mail, calendar, contacts, photos, and more. WOA also includes the industry's leadinghardware-accelerated support for HTML5 with Internet Explorer 10,.
Overall, Microsoft aims to offer the experience or experience on Windows 8 running on theARM-based devices and x86/64.
Some more info on what the final version of Windows 8 will be seen at the end of this month. Microsoft plans to make Windows 8 Preview For Consumen or the general public.
Sabtu, 18 Februari 2012
Latest PC Games in June 2011: Street Racer
Latest PC Games in June 2011: Street Racer, Priagoenks | Latest Technology | MobileIndosat - Street Racer is a game with 3D technology that is super cool and set in the streets. Buddy can see the race from the top down point of view with nice graphics andassisted with special effects. A little info, game with 37 MB file size is compatible with allversions of windows.
Street Racer game has graphics that can help my friend looked over at this race last game.To control the car, at first my friend would have little trouble, but I think this is very common inracing games that require a high concentration during the race. Buddy can compete inQuickrace at the time of entry into a tournament.
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Learn to Make Mobile Applications with J2ME
This article describes how to create J2ME applications (Java applications for small devices such as phones, PDAs and other) without writing programming code (source code), because this article is intended for programmers who have never made a J2ME application, many of the PC desktop programmer may find it too difficult to create J2ME applications for mobile, hopefully this short article to provide an adequate explanation and provide a positive spirit to create J2ME applications.
Creating a J2ME application does not require a lot of large or complex software, one of the required software is J2SE SDK / JDK, the J2SE SDK / JDK and is there a runtime library for the Java program in general as well as for J2ME, at the time this article was written There J2SE SDK v1.4.2.
To write J2ME source code, then we need a J2ME IDE (integrated development environment), there are several options Netbean such as IDE, Sun One Java Studio Mobility, CodeWarrior and notepad (or another text editor), luckily all the software mentioned IDE This can be downloaded for free at the official website of each company, so to make the J2ME developer program does not need to spend any money at all to buy the software IDE.
Is reviewed in this article are from Netbean v4.1 IDE with Mobility Pack v4.1 Netbean addition, it is necessary to make additional J2ME applications, because if only the Netbean v4.1 can create Java applications only, Netbean Mobility Pack is a module-J2ME application module and the device emulator for testing in the PC. Other IDEs may be tried but Netbean v4.1 is recommended because this version is very easy to operate and felt quite quickly compared to other IDEs in terms of loading, compiling, running and debugging.
Steps taken by the editor to start creating J2ME applications are:A. Install J2SE SDK v1.4.2 (50MB)2. Netbean Install v4.1 (47MB)3. Install Netbean Mobility Pack v4.1 (18MB)4. Run Netbean v4.1, create a new project and select the category "Mobile" and the type of project "Mobile Application"5. Select a location to store project files, the "Set as Main Project" and "Create Hello MIDlet" do not be changed (checked)6. On the "Platform selection" select "Device Configuration" = CLDC-1.0 and the "Device Profile" = MIDP-1.0 (the smallest version that can be used in all mobile J2ME support)7. After all is complete (tempate has been made), run the application by pressing the F6 (Run Main Project).8. Then, this project will be compiled and the emulator will come out, use the mouse to operate the emulator by pressing keypad button in the emulator is like a normal mobile.9. At this time, the application "Hello World" we have finished and can be made directly in the actual tests on the mobile.
For testing directly to the provider, which is required or not much, just:A. Mobile phones that support J2ME (MIDP v1 at least).2. Tool to move an application (. JAR and. JAD) that was made into a mobile, can be either a data cable, infrared, bluetooth or card reader / writer if you want to use as a mobile test device has an external memory slot, such as MMC, MemoryStick and others.How To transfer J2ME applications such as filling out a ringtone, image and others.3. Software to move into the mobile J2ME applications, can use the application made by another company (not made with mobile vendors), such as MobiMB small, easy and fast.
In this article, which is used as a test mobile is Nokia 6015 (using the USB data cable) and the Nokia 9500 (using the card reader / writer to copy the file. JAR and. JAD into the MMC). Files to be transferred into the provider file. JAR file (. JAD if required) are located in the directory "DIST", this directory location specified in step 5.
We have created a J2ME application "Hello World", to change the text or object adds to other objects such as TextBox, RadioBox, menu buttons and other things we can do in Netbean without need to write source code for v4.1 has Netbean function quite well and easily with drag-and-drop a bit like Visual Basic and other programming that requires only a change in the properties object if necessary such as his words, wide, high and others.
It is an application that has been made is not very useful, but for the programmer who has mastered the Java programming language so it is not difficult to make an application or game for mobile game that might be easily sold to the company's mobile content aggregator for mobile content business is quite good when this.
Options J2ME to create an application / game provider is very good, since the file size is small (JAR files Hello World we have created is only approximately 1 kilobytes), the Java language is relatively easier to learn than C / C + + for Symbian, Palm, Pocket PC and Linux, and the last reason is the IDE for J2ME version of the software today is very good and easier to use.
Chances are if all the steps described above is fitted with exactly the same by the beginner, it may only take less than 10 minutes to complete included in the provider, the editor only takes less than 3 minutes to complete.
Creating a J2ME application does not require a lot of large or complex software, one of the required software is J2SE SDK / JDK, the J2SE SDK / JDK and is there a runtime library for the Java program in general as well as for J2ME, at the time this article was written There J2SE SDK v1.4.2.
To write J2ME source code, then we need a J2ME IDE (integrated development environment), there are several options Netbean such as IDE, Sun One Java Studio Mobility, CodeWarrior and notepad (or another text editor), luckily all the software mentioned IDE This can be downloaded for free at the official website of each company, so to make the J2ME developer program does not need to spend any money at all to buy the software IDE.
Is reviewed in this article are from Netbean v4.1 IDE with Mobility Pack v4.1 Netbean addition, it is necessary to make additional J2ME applications, because if only the Netbean v4.1 can create Java applications only, Netbean Mobility Pack is a module-J2ME application module and the device emulator for testing in the PC. Other IDEs may be tried but Netbean v4.1 is recommended because this version is very easy to operate and felt quite quickly compared to other IDEs in terms of loading, compiling, running and debugging.
Steps taken by the editor to start creating J2ME applications are:A. Install J2SE SDK v1.4.2 (50MB)2. Netbean Install v4.1 (47MB)3. Install Netbean Mobility Pack v4.1 (18MB)4. Run Netbean v4.1, create a new project and select the category "Mobile" and the type of project "Mobile Application"5. Select a location to store project files, the "Set as Main Project" and "Create Hello MIDlet" do not be changed (checked)6. On the "Platform selection" select "Device Configuration" = CLDC-1.0 and the "Device Profile" = MIDP-1.0 (the smallest version that can be used in all mobile J2ME support)7. After all is complete (tempate has been made), run the application by pressing the F6 (Run Main Project).8. Then, this project will be compiled and the emulator will come out, use the mouse to operate the emulator by pressing keypad button in the emulator is like a normal mobile.9. At this time, the application "Hello World" we have finished and can be made directly in the actual tests on the mobile.
For testing directly to the provider, which is required or not much, just:A. Mobile phones that support J2ME (MIDP v1 at least).2. Tool to move an application (. JAR and. JAD) that was made into a mobile, can be either a data cable, infrared, bluetooth or card reader / writer if you want to use as a mobile test device has an external memory slot, such as MMC, MemoryStick and others.How To transfer J2ME applications such as filling out a ringtone, image and others.3. Software to move into the mobile J2ME applications, can use the application made by another company (not made with mobile vendors), such as MobiMB small, easy and fast.
In this article, which is used as a test mobile is Nokia 6015 (using the USB data cable) and the Nokia 9500 (using the card reader / writer to copy the file. JAR and. JAD into the MMC). Files to be transferred into the provider file. JAR file (. JAD if required) are located in the directory "DIST", this directory location specified in step 5.
We have created a J2ME application "Hello World", to change the text or object adds to other objects such as TextBox, RadioBox, menu buttons and other things we can do in Netbean without need to write source code for v4.1 has Netbean function quite well and easily with drag-and-drop a bit like Visual Basic and other programming that requires only a change in the properties object if necessary such as his words, wide, high and others.
It is an application that has been made is not very useful, but for the programmer who has mastered the Java programming language so it is not difficult to make an application or game for mobile game that might be easily sold to the company's mobile content aggregator for mobile content business is quite good when this.
Options J2ME to create an application / game provider is very good, since the file size is small (JAR files Hello World we have created is only approximately 1 kilobytes), the Java language is relatively easier to learn than C / C + + for Symbian, Palm, Pocket PC and Linux, and the last reason is the IDE for J2ME version of the software today is very good and easier to use.
Chances are if all the steps described above is fitted with exactly the same by the beginner, it may only take less than 10 minutes to complete included in the provider, the editor only takes less than 3 minutes to complete.
Anti Virus Best Computer & Laptop For You
Can not be denied that many computer viruses disrupt computer users around the world from time to time. Now the virus is also more sophisticated with various capabilities that continue to be improved by the author. Undermine the ability of viruses such as the operating system (windows), duplicate files, delete files, sometimes just annoying computer users only.
Many manufacturers are also anti-virus to clean all the viruses that spread across computer networks around the world. Among them is the famous company Mcafee, Norton, Avira, AVG, etc.. Well, the question is where is the best anti virus. Immediately, here I just share about the experience of trying different anti-virus I've done a few years.Anti-virus options that I recommend to colleagues is Mcafee Anti Virus and Symantec Anti Virus. Advantages of both anti-virus are:
Can do clean or clean the infected file, so it is not deleted or quarantined immediately so that our data and data operating system (windows) is still safe. Easy to update, just download the file to the official website only. I use Mcafee Enterprise 8.7i and Symantec Enterprise Edition. User friendly or easy to use. The weakness of the above products are Laptop & Computer memory that can be installed a minimum of 512MB to run optimally. To under 512MB of memory will affect the performance of Computer & Laptop so it will be slow.
So little of my experience may be useful. To get his master anti virus please download at or official website. If for pirated products please fellow themselves searching in google.
Many manufacturers are also anti-virus to clean all the viruses that spread across computer networks around the world. Among them is the famous company Mcafee, Norton, Avira, AVG, etc.. Well, the question is where is the best anti virus. Immediately, here I just share about the experience of trying different anti-virus I've done a few years.Anti-virus options that I recommend to colleagues is Mcafee Anti Virus and Symantec Anti Virus. Advantages of both anti-virus are:
Can do clean or clean the infected file, so it is not deleted or quarantined immediately so that our data and data operating system (windows) is still safe. Easy to update, just download the file to the official website only. I use Mcafee Enterprise 8.7i and Symantec Enterprise Edition. User friendly or easy to use. The weakness of the above products are Laptop & Computer memory that can be installed a minimum of 512MB to run optimally. To under 512MB of memory will affect the performance of Computer & Laptop so it will be slow.
So little of my experience may be useful. To get his master anti virus please download at or official website. If for pirated products please fellow themselves searching in google.
BlueStacks (App Android Emulator For PC)
Want to try Android applications certainly can only try in a smart phone or tablet PC that carries the Android platform itself. If the Install in the PC can do? Apps for Android-based,so if you use a Windows Operating System, Ubuntu, or MacIntOS could not have run.However, Android can now be used via the PC desktop, laptop, or Netbook. That is the only way.
And what about the fate of Windows users? Take it easy, because now through a third party application called BlueStacks, try an Android application on Windows is no longer an obstacle. Although somewhat still in Alpha version, this application is worth the try.
BlueStacks little about the company is headquartered in California, United Statesini.Walaupun have branches in several countries of Asia such as Japan, Taiwan, andIndia, Founder of his own is a citizen of India ie Rosen Sharma. Develop this applicationsince the end of 2010 until now to make a name increasingly bounced Bluestacks. number of investors who provide support for the idea brilliant Rosen Sharma. So Bluestacksexpected to be a successful product in 2012.
If you want to try it, visit to download this application,it fileterbilang size is quite large, about 100 MB. But think of the experience that we get.Good luck!
And what about the fate of Windows users? Take it easy, because now through a third party application called BlueStacks, try an Android application on Windows is no longer an obstacle. Although somewhat still in Alpha version, this application is worth the try.
BlueStacks little about the company is headquartered in California, United Statesini.Walaupun have branches in several countries of Asia such as Japan, Taiwan, andIndia, Founder of his own is a citizen of India ie Rosen Sharma. Develop this applicationsince the end of 2010 until now to make a name increasingly bounced Bluestacks. number of investors who provide support for the idea brilliant Rosen Sharma. So Bluestacksexpected to be a successful product in 2012.
Some of the advantages that we can get from these applications are among others:
- Android applications run from within Windows, so to try to secure Android applications, at least you have proved in the PC.
- Free! no interst to download the application bluestacks when it comes to individuals, but inorder to distribute banned personal gain.
- In it there are some Android apps to run. Of course some applications that have a ratingabove average.
- Android game, if some games in the Android Market paid, is not the case in BlueStacks.Already at present some game that will keep you entertained in trying this application.

But you must be wondering, if based on Android would have to use the motion sensor ortouch screen. Do not worry, Bluestacks still use the cursor and the mouse as a major cruise.And for the smart phone category, the application is also available in the Android Market.For the present application is only available for Windows operating systems.
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